B. 1992 in Péronne, France

Lives and works in NYC, New York

Selected exhibitions


Art for Tibet, Fundraising for Students for Free Tibet, Van Der Plas Gallery, NYC, USA


On the voyage at Asia Art Center, Beijing, China

The River (solo) at Galerie Pact, Paris, France

20 years, at Union Gallery, London, UK


Tu es métamorphose II at Galerie Pact, Paris, France

Jung Lovers curated by Jennifer Sullivan and Jack Arthur Wood at Soloway Gallery, NYC, USA

NADA art fair with Galerie Pact, NYC, USA

Hues d'emportement (solo) at Y2K Group, NYC, USA


NADA art fair with Galerie Pact, Miami, USA
Paroles de Cheval at Haras National du Pin, France

Heedlessly, (duo show with Dorian Gaudin) at Galerie Pact, Paris, France

Imagining Reality at Future Gallery, Berlin, Germany


NADA art fair with Galerie Pact, Miami, USA

Sang Tu Erres (solo) at Galerie Pact, Paris, France

Monster High at Olhão Space, São Paulo, Brasil

Everyday is Sunday curated by John Wolf at UTA Artist Space, Los Angeles, USA

Somersault (solo) curated by Julie Curtiss at SPRING BREAK Art Show, NYC, USA


SKINS at Greenpoint Terminal Gallery, NYC, USA
GDPR: Group Display of Paintings and Renderings at SIGNAL, NYC, USA

Night Realms curated by Kristian Day at Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

London Art Fair with Union Gallery, London, UK


In the Field of Semolina (Solo) curated by Liam Scully at Union Gallery, London, UK

Artorama Art Fair with Bombon Projects, Marseilles, France

Florigeli at Bombon Projects, Barcelona, Spain

Jealous Prize Winners 2016/2017 at Jealous Gallery, London, UK

Federation of British Artists at Mall Galleries, London, UK


Graduate show, Royal College of Art, London, UK

Volcano (duo show) at the Hockney Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK


Inter-Youth at The International League of Higher Education Art Institute, Hangzhou, China

Make Eyes (Solo) at Gallery Rossicontemporary, Brussels, Belgium

Au quotidien at Gallery Rossicontemporary, Brussels, Belgium

Education, residencies

2022-2023: Recipient of the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program 

2014-2016: Masters of Fine Art, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2014: Workshop at Ecole National des ARTS, Port au Prince, Haïti

2011-2014: Bachelor of fine art, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Cambre, Brussels, Belgium

Selected Press